
Aug. 4, 2020

Ep 15: Your Host Should Have Left

Tim Murdock & Matt Emert dive into Shudder's exciting pandemic movie, "Host."

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July 27, 2020

Ep 14: The Current Occupant of the Rental

Tim Murdock and Matt Emert discuss "The Current Occupant" and "The Rental."

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July 27, 2020

Ep (Lucky) 13: Relic and Good Boy

Tim Murdock & Matt Emert virtually meet to discuss feature films "Relic" and "Good Boy."

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March 10, 2020

Ep 12: The Invisible Fantasy Boy

It's 2020 and a sh!tload of new horror movies have come out. So, it's time for a new episode! Listen as Tim & Matt discuss (The Invisible Man), (Brahms: The Boy 2), and (Fantasy Island).

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April 6, 2019

Ep 11: Live from Palm Springs - it's US!

Tim and Matt take the podcast live from Palm Springs, where they chat about "Us," "Pet Sematary," and a new Rumor Willis movie called "What Lies Ahead." #happyhorrortime #us #petsematary #whatliesahead

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March 4, 2019

Ep 10: Greta's a Prodigy w/a Velvet Buzzsaw

Tim is back with his trusty co-host, Matt, to discuss the latest and not so greatest horror movies. Hey, it's only been 9 months!

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June 26, 2018

Ep 9: Hereditary in the mouth of Matt's Madness

Tim is back with his old familiar co-host, Matt, to discuss Hereditary, the new Halloween trailer, and a slew of older horror movies.

Listen to the Episode
May 29, 2018

Ep 8: Afterlivin' it up w/Fernando Rivera

Host Tim Murdock interviews published author/actor/retailer/part-time-model (not really) Fernando Rivera about his recent book, The Afterliving. They discuss Halloween 4, Psycho 2, and Psycho 3, along with Kristen Stewart's unique acting technique.

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April 11, 2018

Ep 7: A Quiet, Unsane Place

Celebrate Friday the 13th with absolutely no discussion of the Friday the 13th series on Happy Horror Time! In this episode, Tim and Matt discuss "Unsane," "A Quiet Place," 1984's "Firestarter" and an undiscovered little gem called "Hell House LLC."...

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March 12, 2018

Ep 6: Veronica's a Stranger

Welcome back to Happy Horror Time's first podcast of 2018. Tim and Matt chat about the 20th anniversary of "Urban Legend," Netflix's "Veronica" and "The Strangers: Prey at Night." And as always, WE SPOIL EVERYTHING!

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Dec. 14, 2017

Ep 5: Better Watch Out for Christmas

Matt Emert returns to talk holiday horror with the bold and beautiful, Tim Murdock. We start with "Better Watch Out," then move into "Black Christmas" (2006), and then discuss the 20th anniversary of the classic slasher sequel, "Scream 2."

Listen to the Episode
Nov. 11, 2017

Ep 4: Interview w/Kevin Spirtas from "F13 Pt VII: The New Blood"

Happy Horror Time host Tim Murdock interviews talented actor Kevin Spirtas about daytime dramas, theatre, and of course "Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood." Podcast favorite Matt Emert is here too!

Listen to the Episode
Oct. 20, 2017

Ep 3: Happy Death Day to the Babysitter

Can you believe Matt's back? Tim and Matt chit chat about "Happy Death Day," "The Babysitter" and "American Horror Story: Cult." Happy Halloween!

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Oct. 12, 2017

Ep 2: Chucky's Cult or Gerald's Game?

Host Tim Murdock chats with guest Matt Emert again about Netflix horror films, "Cult of Chucky" and "Gerald's Game" along with SyFY movie, "Truth or Dare."

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Sept. 28, 2017

Ep 1: Hey Friends, Request This Podcast!

Tim and guest Matt Emert discuss Friend Request, Jeepers Creepers 3, and the Halloween franchise.

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